Based on the premise that “if you want to get better, ride with better people”.
Based on the premise that “if you want to get better, ride with better people,” we have created 3 distinct groups within Cycle Folsom. This allows riders with similar fitness and skill levels to ride together. Each group offers an opportunity to build a fitness base, or perhaps provide a challenge that will take you to the next level of performance. While our rides are not technically competitive, “friendly competition” may arise in an effort to test limits or inspire each other. When that happens, it’s usually done in a friendly, supportive, and inspiring way.
Gruppetto riders are not likely to be thinking about their riding in terms of distance ridden, average speed or elevation climbed. These riders may be relatively new to road biking…
GruppettoThe Peloton Group rides are geared toward riders who have been training for a good part of the season and who have increased their stamina and strength already…
PelotonIf you’re targeting a Criterium, Road Race, or Time Trial, this is your group. Rides are generally in the 45-80 mile range and may include intervals, overloading…
PerformanceJoin a group of riders the Sacramento Bee call a "fast growing and meticulously organized club."
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